required | object Dados gerais sobre a cotação |
object Dados sobre o tomador de crédito | |
object Dados financeiros da operação | |
Array of objects Lista com dados das parcelas | |
object Dados das condições da simulação | |
object Dados adicionais relacionados a parametrização do Produto de Crédito | |
Array of objects Lista com opções de pagamento |
{- "general_info": {
- "response_type": "RETORNO_COTACAO_APROVADA",
- "operation_tracking_id": "593f33f6-6122-4624-8c1c-6602a14a730e",
- "external_id": "1Aa2Bb3Cc",
- "quotation_id": 123455
}, - "borrower": {
- "cpf_cnpj": "12345678000191",
- "name": "Pizzaria do João Alegre Silva"
}, - "financial_info": {
- "borrower_credit_limit": 30000.55,
- "score_number": 700,
- "rating": "AA+"
}, - "installments_options": [
- {
- "installments_option_id": "166057186062fa50d4baed00.69308110",
- "operation_net_amount": 15000.55,
- "installments_number": 10,
- "installment_amount": 1847.27,
- "installments_sum": 18472.71,
- "interest_monthly_rate": 0.02,
- "interest_annual_rate": 0.28,
- "gross_costs_monthly_rate": 0.03,
- "gross_costs_annual_rate": 0.48,
- "operation_total_taxes": 316.58,
- "operation_total_costs": 850.03,
- "operation_gross_amount": 16167.16,
- "first_installment_date": "2021-06-19",
- "last_installment_date": "2023-05-19",
- "installments_option_complement_info": {
- "tax_iof_fixed_rate": 0.0038001,
- "tax_iof_daily_rate": 0.0000401,
- "tax_iof_total_rate": 0.0116112,
- "tax_iof_total_value": 316.58,
- "costs_fixed_share": 100.11,
- "costs_rate_share": 16167.16,
- "interest_total_value": 2305.54,
- "gross_costs_total_value": 3472.15,
- "costs_percentage_share": 0.02345
}, - "individual_custom_installments": [
- {
- "installment_individual_number": 1,
- "installment_amount": 1500.11,
- "installment_operation_net_amount": 15000.55,
- "installment_operation_gross_amount": 16167.16,
- "installment_operation_total_taxes": 316.58,
- "installment_operation_total_costs": 850.03,
- "installment_interest_monthly_rate": 0.02111,
- "installment_interest_annual_rate": 0.28491,
- "installment_due_date": "2021-06-19",
- "installment_calculation_date": "2021-06-19",
- "installment_term_days": 137,
- "installment_gross_costs_monthly_rate": 0.03333,
- "installment_gross_costs_annual_rate": 0.48076,
- "installment_tax_iof_fixed_rate": 0.0038001,
- "installment_tax_iof_daily_rate": 0.0000401,
- "installment_tax_iof_total_rate": 0.0116112,
- "installment_tax_iof_total_value": 316.58,
- "installment_costs_fixed_share": 100.11,
- "installment_costs_rate_share": 16167.16,
- "installment_costs_rate_percentage": 0.05111,
- "installment_interest_total_value": 2305.54,
- "installment_gross_costs_total_value": 3472.15
], - "simulator_conditions": {
- "max_operation_net_amount": 30000.55,
- "min_installments_number": 5,
- "max_installments_number": 15,
- "anniversary_day": [
- 5
}, - "additional_fields": {
- "negotiation_original_proposal_id_1": {
- "value": 12345
}, - "negotiation_original_proposal_id_2": {
- "value": 67890
}, - "operation_costs_amount_stakeholder": {
- "value": 200.11
}, - "operation_costs_net_share_stakeholder": {
- "value": 0.01111
}, - "installment_amount_1": {
- "value": 107.8
}, - "installment_due_date_1": {
- "value": "10/02/2024"
}, - "installment_external_id_1": {
- "value": "abcd1234-1234abcd"
}, - "installment_info_1": {
- "value": "72901580000107"
}, - "installment_other_1": {
- "value": "25753334000167"
}, - "installment_amount_2": {
- "value": 500.8
}, - "installment_due_date_2": {
- "value": "10/03/2024"
}, - "installment_external_id_2": {
- "value": "efgh5678-5678efgh"
}, - "installment_info_2": {
- "value": "58711370000117"
}, - "installment_other_2": {
- "value": "67385366000105"
}, - "payment_amount_1": {
- "value": 500.8
}, - "payment_due_date_1": {
- "value": "10/02/2024"
}, - "payment_external_id_1": {
- "value": "ijkl9012-9012ijkl"
}, - "payments_options": [
- {
- "payment_amount": 500.8,
- "payment_due_date": "10/02/2024",
- "payment_external_id": "ijkl9012-9012ijkl"