Quotation API
This API is the gateway to running a "Credit Product" flow.
The "Quotation API" is intended to create a quotation for a specific user ("borrower"). Creating a quotation means processing the information received in order to return the result of a credit analysis, which may include anti-fraud, anti-money laundering ("AML") and "know you customer" ("KYC").
This result can take different values and formats. We highlight the following "response_type":
- (i) "RETORNO_COTACAO_APROVADA" (Aproved Quotation);
- (ii) "RETORNO_COTACAO_REPROVADA" (Failed Quotation);
- (iii) "RETORNO_COTACAO_PENDENTE" (Pendding Quotation); or
- (iv) RETORNO_COTACAO_RECEBIDA" (Received Quotation).
The returns RETORNO_COTACAO_APROVADA and RETORNO_COTACAO_REPROVADA naturally indicate approved and disapproved operations, respectively.
For a "RETORNO_COTACAO_APROVADA", the "Installs Options" are still returned, through the "installments_options" field.
The RETURN_QUOTACAO_PENDENTE, indicates an operation that has "Credit Engine" active, however, whose credit analysis, based on the policies, was directed to credit analysis, without achieving automatic approval.
The RETORNO_COTACAO_RECEBIDA, finally, indicates an operation was properly received and, according to the product's configuration, it does not have an active "Credit Engine" and, therefore, the return will delay.
As detailed below, the Quotation API can also be used to return information from Bureaus and Credit Bases, once the necessary authorizations have been collected by the research object.
Response Types
The return of Quotation results can be performed Synchronously or Asynchronous (via Callback, also referred to as like Webhook). For both cases the returned content is similar.
To receive this synchronous response, just send the "sync" parameter in the Header of the request, indicating "true" in the respective header value. If "false" or empty is indicated the Asynchronous configuration for the request will be considered.
Thus, the MOVA system allows the configuration of the type of response according to the need of the API consumer Client ("Requester"). So this configuration can be different per request, a feature that allows, for example, to send a batch of Quotations in order to an Asynchronous "Pre-Approval" in batch, at the same time as the same "Credit Product" runs in Synchronous format when calls arrive directly through the credit applicant's flow.
Important to mention that request via Webhook does not mean that it will take longer. That is, the SLA (“Service Level Agreement”) via Webhook can be similar to the Synchronous return. With this, we reinforce that the definition of the "type of response" depends on other variables, such as the infrastructure of the "Requester", expected costs, as well as expected volumes and consumption peaks. Finally, we clarify that the option for the Synchronous response does not stop us from returning the response via Webhook at the same time, if it makes sense in the context.
Credit Engine
To perform the analysis referred to in the above paragraphs and return the "Quotation Result", MOVA relies on a proprietary automation tool for the Credit Mat and Credit Engine ("Credit Engine"). This tool allows the implementation of decision rules and criteria and can run a "Decision Tree" as well as derive the Score and Rating of a Quote.
The Credit Engine is connected to several credit bases and bureaus, such as Serasa and SCR from the Brzil Central Bank, including several anti-fraud, AML and KYC tools.
The variables and criteria to be analyzed and processed in order to define the approval or disapproval of a Quotation ("Credit Policy") can be parameterized in a customized way, according to the context of each "Credit Product".
This MOVA system allows the inclusion of customized external databases in the Credit Engine, allowing information held by the originator to be analyzed automatically, within the scope of the automated "Credit Policy", provided that the user has duly authorized analysis.
Finally, we add that in the "Decision Tree" process, external analyzes can be integrated. In other words, the internal MOVA Credit Engine can be compatible with external credit engines or scores, combining with third-party analysis or approval. For this eventual joint action, prior integration work with these third parties may be necessary, to be agreed in advance with MOVA.
There is an example to consume the API, or click here to follow the full documentation.
- Payload
- curl
- Java
- Node.js
- C#
- Python
{- "request_info": {
- "product_id": 987,
- "external_id": "9184931Aa2Bb3Cc"
}, - "financial_info": {
- "operation_net_amount": 15000.55,
- "installments_number": 10,
- "grace_period_number": 1,
- "interest_monthly_rate": 0.02111,
- "borrower_credit_limit": 30000.55,
- "score_number": 850,
- "rating": "AA+",
- "settlement_deadline_date": "2023-02-13",
- "anniversary_day": 15
}, - "financial_complement_info": {
- "other_services": true
}, - "borrower_info": {
- "person_type": "pf",
- "cpf_cnpj": "11122233344",
- "birth_opening_date": "1990-05-30",
- "name": "João Alegre da Silva",
- "cell_phone": "11955551111",
- "terms_agreement": true,
- "address": {
- "postal_code": "05400222",
- "street": "Rua da Alegria",
- "number": "77",
- "complement": "casa",
- "neighborhood": "Pinheiros",
- "city": "São Paulo",
- "state": "SP"
}, - "natural_borrower_complement_info": {
- "gender": "Masculino",
- "mother_name": "Maria da Alegria",
- "father_name": "José Silva",
- "nationality": "Brasileiro",
- "place_birth": "São Paulo",
- "profession": "Empresário",
- "marital_status": "Casado(a)",
- "separation_of_goods": true,
- "spouse_name": "Joana Ferreira Gomes",
- "pep": false,
- "resident_abroad": false,
- "monthly_income": 10000.55,
- "net_worth": 500000.11,
- "id_document": {
- "document_type": "RG",
- "document_number": "22457845X",
- "date_issue": "1999-06-30",
- "document_authority": "SSP",
- "document_uf": "SP"
}, - "legal_borrower_complement_info": {
- "foundation_date": "1990-06-25",
- "company_type": "LTDA",
- "cnae_code": 649999,
- "estate_code": "4.82757-8",
- "city_code": "123456789-10",
- "trade_name": "Pizzaria do João",
- "annual_revenue": 1000000.55
}, - "legal_borrower_representatives": {
- "natural_representative_one": {
- "person_type": "pf",
- "cpf_cnpj": "11122233344",
- "birth_opening_date": "1990-05-30",
- "name": "João Alegre da Silva",
- "cell_phone": "11955551111",
- "terms_agreement": true,
- "address": {
- "postal_code": "05400222",
- "street": "Rua da Alegria",
- "number": "77",
- "complement": "casa",
- "neighborhood": "Pinheiros",
- "city": "São Paulo",
- "state": "SP"
}, - "gender": "Masculino",
- "mother_name": "Maria da Alegria",
- "father_name": "José Silva",
- "nationality": "Brasileiro",
- "place_birth": "São Paulo",
- "profession": "Empresário",
- "marital_status": "Casado(a)",
- "separation_of_goods": true,
- "spouse_name": "Joana Ferreira Gomes",
- "pep": false,
- "resident_abroad": false,
- "monthly_income": 10000.55,
- "net_worth": 500000.11,
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- "document_type": "RG",
- "document_number": "22457845X",
- "date_issue": "1999-06-30",
- "document_authority": "SSP",
- "document_uf": "SP"
}, - "natural_representative_two": {
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- "cpf_cnpj": "11122233344",
- "birth_opening_date": "1990-05-30",
- "name": "José Alegre da Silva",
- "cell_phone": "11955551111",
- "terms_agreement": true,
- "address": {
- "postal_code": "05400222",
- "street": "Rua da Alegria",
- "number": "78",
- "complement": "casa",
- "neighborhood": "Pinheiros",
- "city": "São Paulo",
- "state": "SP"
}, - "gender": "Masculino",
- "mother_name": "Maria da Alegria",
- "father_name": "José Silva",
- "nationality": "Brasileiro",
- "place_birth": "São Paulo",
- "profession": "Empresário",
- "marital_status": "Casado(a)",
- "separation_of_goods": true,
- "spouse_name": "Ana Ferreira Gomes",
- "pep": false,
- "resident_abroad": false,
- "monthly_income": 10000.55,
- "net_worth": 500000.11,
- "id_document": {
- "document_type": "RG",
- "document_number": "22457845X",
- "date_issue": "1999-06-30",
- "document_authority": "SSP",
- "document_uf": "SP"
}, - "natural_guarantors_info": [
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- "name": "João Alegre da Silva",
- "cell_phone": "11955551111",
- "terms_agreement": true,
- "address": {
- "postal_code": "05400222",
- "street": "Rua da Alegria",
- "number": "77",
- "complement": "casa",
- "neighborhood": "Pinheiros",
- "city": "São Paulo",
- "state": "SP"
}, - "gender": "Masculino",
- "mother_name": "Maria da Alegria",
- "father_name": "José Silva",
- "nationality": "Brasileiro",
- "place_birth": "São Paulo",
- "profession": "Empresário",
- "marital_status": "Casado(a)",
- "separation_of_goods": true,
- "spouse_name": "Joana Ferreira Gomes",
- "pep": false,
- "resident_abroad": false,
- "monthly_income": 10000.55,
- "net_worth": 500000.11,
- "id_document": {
- "document_type": "RG",
- "document_number": "22457845X",
- "date_issue": "1999-06-30",
- "document_authority": "SSP",
- "document_uf": "SP"
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- "person_type": "pf",
- "cpf_cnpj": "55522233344",
- "birth_opening_date": "string",
- "name": "Joana Ferreira Gomes",
- "cell_phone": "11955552222",
- "terms_agreement": true,
- "address": {
- "postal_code": "05400222",
- "street": "Rua da Alegria",
- "number": "77",
- "complement": "casa",
- "neighborhood": "Pinheiros",
- "city": "São Paulo",
- "state": "SP"
}, - "gender": "Feminino",
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- "father_name": "Rodrigo Gomes",
- "nationality": "Brasileiro",
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- "profession": "professora",
- "marital_status": "Casado(a)",
- "spouse_name": "João Alegre da Silva",
- "pep": false,
- "resident_abroad": false,
- "monthly_income": 5000.22,
- "net_worth": 200000.55,
- "id_document": {
- "document_type": "CNH",
- "document_number": "012445785245632",
- "date_issue": "2007-06-30",
- "document_authority": "DETRAN",
- "document_uf": "RS"
], - "disbursement_info": {
- "beneficiary_type": "BORROWER",
- "name": "João Alegre da Silva",
- "cpf_cnpj": "11122233344",
- "bank_code": "077",
- "branch_number": "001",
- "account_number": "7299004",
- "account_digit": "5",
- "account_type": "corrente",
- "pix_key": "00020101021227790014br.gov.bcb.pix2557invoice.xbank.com/v2/b96053853d388d09b87808ea63dac2ab5204000053039865802BR5924marketplace6753Sao Paulo62070503***55546539",
- "disbursement_type": "PIX_ALEATORIA",
- "use_type": "conta_desembolso_credito"
}, - "documents": {
- "person_documents": [
- {
- "person_type": "pf",
- "cpf_cnpj": "11122233344",
- "document_type": "rg ou cnh (frente)",
- "document_complement_info": "cnh",
- "document_subtype": "documento",
], - "operation_documents": [
- {
- "document_type": "documento_veiculo",
- "document_subtype": "documento",
}, - "operation_tag_identifiers": [
- "28b5f901-1ab5-4b02-9237-b5a7364419b7",
- "7a692c78-0553-49e8-9f9f-31728785e866",
- "bcedc20e-cf8b-4ba0-b742-441f4a02c097",
- "af4741c5-b033-47a5-9f07-cdb5fce5a030",
- "8cc91321-5c7e-4c6d-830b-bd39096b5263"
], - "operator_id": "Nzc4eGZmNE9DTmpRQlI4Sk5VdlFqQT09OjpOBjKhVe2OrluTHv855+9I",
- "additional_fields": {
- "operation_costs_amount_stakeholder": {
- "value": 200.55
}, - "operation_costs_net_share_stakeholder": {
- "value": 0.01511
}, - "rent_contract_amount": {
- "value": 5000.55
}, - "rent_contract_sign_date": {
- "value": "2022-04-16"
}, - "rent_contract_id": {
- "value": "676418941698"
}, - "rent_contract_property_id": {
- "value": "45421134"
}, - "rent_address_street": {
- "value": "Rua da Alegria"
}, - "rent_address_number": {
- "value": "89"
}, - "rent_address_complement": {
- "value": "casa"
}, - "rent_address_neighborhood": {
- "value": "Pinheiros"
}, - "rent_address_city": {
- "value": "São Paulo"
}, - "rent_address_region": {
- "value": "SP"
}, - "rent_address_postal_code": {
- "value": "05401000"
Document historic
Version | Data | Notes |
1.0 | 2022-06-20 | First versiom |
1.1 | 2022-06-23 | disbursement_info schemes |
1.2 | 2022-07-27 | Renamed o header mova_client_id para mova-client-id Refactor on api_version to 'x.y.z' where x,y e z are integers. Obj:'spouse' from 'region' to 'state'.Obj:'gender' - capitalize. Obj:'id_document' - capitalize. Removed 'data' from PostQuotationRequest |
1.3 | 2022-08-05 | Added production url. Refactor on message 403. |
1.4 | 2022-08-10 | Renomeando Schemas, exceto WebHooks para inglês. Refactor example details erro 422. Refactor type installments_option_id from number to string. |
1.5 | 2022-08-19 | On field marital_status changed value of 'OUTROS' to 'Outros' Object document_number removed '-' from examples cause punctuation is not allowed. |
1.6 | 2022-08-25 | Added the field individual_custom_installments |
1.7 | 2022-09-05 | Ajusted schema 'error'. |