Proposal API

The Proposal API begins the second step of credit's flow. After you get a quotation and then this quotation becomes aproved, it will be send a response with the conditions and installments options of this quotation. Each installment option will be relaeted to a ID (installments_option_id). It should be informed to the Proposal API wich installment option was chosed by the borrower. Then it will be created a proposal, relaeted to the aproved quotation and the installment option id.

After the proposal creation, it will be send a value that can assume different values. We highlight the folowing "response_type":


The “RETORNO_PROPOSTA_ENVIADA” is sent when the Requester does not want to synchronously receive the result of the proposal creation or approval. The “RETORNO_PROPOSTA_RECEBIDA”, indicates that the request was received and, according to the product's configuration, it does not have a completely automatic flow, and may, for example, have documentation analysis step. Therefore, the return will be effective later. The “RETORNO_PROPOSTA_CONFIRMAR_CONTRATO”, indicates that the proposal was successfully created and the formalization step was started and, according to the product configuration, it is waiting for the contract to be released. The “RETORNO_PROPOSTA_EM_ASSINATURA”, indicates that the proposal was created, the formalization of the operation was started and a contract was generated, awaiting the signature of the previously defined signatories.

Another feature of the Proposal API is that, in addition to informing the installment option chosen by the Borrower, registration data, documents and disbursement data that were not informed in the Quotation API can be sent.


There is an example to consume the API, or click here to follow the full documentation.

  • "request_info": {
  • "borrower_info": {
  • "natural_borrower_complement_info": {
  • "legal_borrower_complement_info": {
  • "legal_borrower_representatives": {
  • "natural_guarantors_info": [
  • "disbursement_info": {
  • "documents": {},
  • "additional_fields": {

Document historic

1.02022-06-20First version
1.12022-06-23disbursement_info schemes
1.22022-07-22Obj:'spouse' de 'region' para 'state'. Em /proposal/cancelation - Response de 201 para 200. Novo status RETORNO_CANCELAMENTO_RECEBIDO.
1.32022-07-27Renomeado o header mova_client_id para mova-client-id Formatação api_version para 'x.y.z' onde x,y e z são numeros inteiros.Obj:'gender' - preenchimento com iniciais maiúsculas. Obj:'id_document' - preenchimento com letras maiúsculas. Campo 'installments_option_id' não é obrigatório. Retirado objeto 'data' Post ProposalRequest
1.42022-08-04individual_installments em forma de array nos PostWebhookCallbackLiquidada e PostWebhookCallbackEmLiquidacaoInclusão URL de produção. Alteração mensagem 403
1.52022-08-10Renomeando Schemas, exceto WebHooks para inglês. Alteração exemplo details erro 422.Retirada dos objetos no topo do payload 'api_version','transaction_id' e 'data' dos webhooks. Em /proposal/settlement alterado de:PROPOSTA_LIQUIDADA para RETORNO_PROPOSTA_LIQUIDADA
1.62022-08-19Alteração response 201 para 200 proposal/settlement.Inclusão de no status de proposta RETORNO_PROPOSTA_LIQUIDACAO_REGISTRADA. Objeto marital_status alterado valor de 'OUTROS' para 'Outros' Objeto document_number retirado '-' dos exemplos pois não é permitido pontuação no geral.
1.72022-09-05Ajuste no schema 'error' que não estava aparecendo seus descritivos.
1.82022-09-19Inclusão de 3 novos campos no webhook de proposta liquidada - proposal_info.document_location / proposal_info.signed_at / general_info.product_id